Fork them, whoever it was.

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Rooting for the Hellcat.

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Mar 28Liked by Hannah Yoest

More than two likes. You're on the hooks, now! ✌️

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Yes, Christian is right in suggesting naming that mocker's name:

"So that we can pray for [that jerk] more effectively," as our Baptist friends might say...

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Mar 28Liked by Hannah Yoest

My like got this post up to 17 likes, so you "owe" us 15 more anecdotes, times, tidbits, etc. Suggestions:

-Your favorite Bulwark co-worker

-Your least favorite Bulwark co-worker

-Name of the person who mocked your running habits

-Exact distance covered before "your brain will dump a metric ton of hormones and chemicals into your sad-excuse-for-a-getaway-vehicle of a body and everything you’ve been trying to avoid will be released like greedy felons eager to pummel you with all the emotions and feelings you so carefully had tucked away until you cry it all out."

-Explanation of why I still run barefoot-style when the rest of the world has moved on (hint: because it's the only way to avoid stress fractures; why is this true only of me??)

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Don’t listen to the haters. They are just jealous. We have your back.

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Best of luck and enjoy! Best I’ve done is a single half marathon….at age 60. One and done.

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Running is the best antidote to experiencing true depression. If it becomes a positive adduction to the extent you run frequently enough and long enough to experience the endorphin high you will be better off both more peaceful, intuitive and creative as the balance between your left brain and right brain activities increases since by.definition is a sport in which side of your body cannot dominate. From a non athlete who was inspired to start running in my mid thirties by Dr Kenneth Cooper, the originator of the concept of aerobics as the best way to maintain cardiac fitness and who had a great motivating line - “remember that the most frequent symptom of a heart attack is sudden death. “ often you don’t get a second chance to become fit? I am about to turn 82 and hopefully complete my 46th NYC Marathon this November.

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Oh waow ! Best of luck. A friend of mine here in Montreal is running too this year. They are in the Pride Pack, a queer/ally team promoting diversity and creating a supportive community for queer people in sports. Wishing you all the best

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Wonderful that people go behind your back. Had something similar happen this week and started to blame myself. I realized reversion to old behavior. Carry on with your self respect indented. Cheers

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Dear friends, like all people, let us down from time to time. Reflects on the speaker and not on the Hellcat. Makes the Hellcat stronger. Forgive, forget, power forward and do not stop until across the finish line.

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Right on!

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Runners are the best except for that one person!🌝

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running: great sport....zenning out on the trail is centering. the mind wonderes as the world turns and turns and turns



and above all PEACE

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I look forward following your training and race.

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Best of luck out there. With all the work it sounds like you’ve put in, luck is the only thing keeping you from Vegas in under 50! Take it all in out there. You’ve earned it. Breathe and keep moving.

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