Apr 4, 2022Liked by Hannah Yoest

Hannah! Thank you for sharing the past 10 weeks with us. You’re writing has drawn me in every week and as a former runner (my hips finally won after 49 years) it’s been fun to follow your journey. I look forward to your Boston posts. It’s right around the corner!

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Apr 6, 2022Liked by Hannah Yoest

Reading this all I could think of was Roy Batty….

“I've seen things you people wouldn't believe... Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion... I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain... Time to die.“

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Apr 4, 2022Liked by Hannah Yoest

Congrats to you and the GRIT team, Hannah!! Very fun to track you guys and the other TSP teams across the desert - it looked like equal parts crazy, scary, and awesome. GL w the rest of your marathon training, Team EAC Boston will be cheering you on!

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Apr 4, 2022Liked by Hannah Yoest

Thanks for sharing your posts!! I'm past the age of being able to push that hard but I had a nice vicarious ride listening.

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This is the first and only Hellcat I've read. I came in very late seeing something on one of the regular Bulwark reports highlighting you. Bravo! My son is a biker and rode in a charity ride in Israel up the Golan Heights. 50 miles a day straight up for who knows how many miles at a time. His stories are amazing as this last report from you is. Stamina. You both have it. You could never have made it without it. Congrats on finishing. Something you will remember the rest of your life, and most likely forget as you sign up for next year's run. Right?

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Apr 4, 2022Liked by Hannah Yoest

It's been fun following along from my computer! What a lifetime of memories you all share now. (I totally agree with your assessment of NCAA athletics, ruined my daughters love for soccer along with her college experience). Great line and my favorite image from your report- "I have eaten Cup-O-Noodles ramen with my hands, for the sodium alone." Now, THAT'S impressive!

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Apr 4, 2022Liked by Hannah Yoest

Great post! Whets my appetite for more details. I’d buy a book about this ordeal. Or a long magazine story.

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Apr 4, 2022·edited Apr 4, 2022Liked by Hannah Yoest

Hannah, Congratulations on finishing!! I have really enjoyed your articles about your preparations leading up to the race. You did not disappoint with your last write up. Thanks again for sharing and good luck in Boston!

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Apr 4, 2022Liked by Hannah Yoest

Very nice coda to an engrossing saga

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Apr 4, 2022Liked by Hannah Yoest

Congratulations! Outstanding job!

(There's good pain and bad pain...The good pain is glorious!)

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Wonderful stuff. Congrats.

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Apr 4, 2022Liked by Hannah Yoest

Congrats to you and the team Hannah! Thanks so much for taking the time to put these wonderful essays together. Your writing helped push me through my own training for the Philly half-marathon last weekend. I’m glad to know I’m not the only one clocking miles on a treadmill while watching too much Netflix ☺️.

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Apr 4, 2022Liked by Hannah Yoest

Awesome article, and amazing story. Thank you for writing ad sharing your run.

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Apr 4, 2022Liked by Hannah Yoest

To you Hannah and your team of free runners..the very best

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Apr 4, 2022Liked by Hannah Yoest

Hannah, this essay is AMAZING. Every word had me glued to find out what more could possibly have happened out there. I can imagine how great it feels to be done!

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Apr 4, 2022Liked by Hannah Yoest

Congratulations! What a great chronicle of an amazing feat. And that average pace!?!! Wow. Thanks for sharing your experience.

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